Determination I associate one's determination with their spirit and courage. You need to have some sense of focus and gusto to keep you moving forward when determined to reach any goal. In order to do that, there are many days that you need a healthy dose of positive self talk too. September is here and for many it is the month of evolving, growth, and taking a step forward to change. Change can be hard and letting ourselves go outside our comfort zone can be scary. When working with various clients, encouraging them to try new activities and exercises, I have heard every fear verbalized. It is our automatic wall that surrounds us, protecting us from failure. We build a moat of fear and words that are not always the healthiest. Thoughts flowing through the moat ranging from "What if I am not good enough?", "I can't do this right now", and "I am not strong enough".
Guess what friends, you are strong enough! This Fall I encourage you to change the words you use to speak to yourself. When riding on the river of nerves, shift it, grab a paddle and pull yourself up out of water. Embrace the physical challenge and start by saying a simple phrase "You can do this. It is not impossible. I'm Possible!". The phrase "I'm Possible" I picked up when a Walker Coach with Pallotta Teamworks 12 years ago and have carried it around since. I invite you to carry it around with you too.
Fall is a time to grow and evolve, just like students do every school year. It is your time to evolve into a stronger, more determined, focused and appreciative athlete. Your body can do wonders, believe in it every step of the way, and know even if you do fall YOU have the determination to get right back up.
Fall is also a time that signifies big steps of DETERMINATION in our family. September 23rd, 2010, is the date Makenzie was rushed to the ER. Almost one year since her medical journey began, and to say she has "grown, evolved, and has taken a step forward to change" is an understatement. She has shown more determination and courage this past year than many adults I know. I am constantly in awe with Makenzie since she doesn't back down or think anything is impossible. She faced her body's organs breaking down, regained her ability to breath on her own, strengthened her body to walk again and adjusted to a life full of doctors, nurses and needles. She grew to know about life's real hardships involving blood transfusions, surgeries, not living at home with her family, missing half the school year and the big unknown ... if the life she knew before September 23rd would ever be the same.
Throughout it all, she never faltered thinking it wasn't possible to conquer each test figuring what was going on with her pancreas. She didn't back down to fighting with doctors and nurses, at the age of 6.5, when she didn't want more pokes and needles. She didn't stop pushing herself to walk the hallways to keep her legs stronger. She never stopped laughing each day to try and "feel" like a normal kid. She showed me what the real human spirit is all about and how to never give up.
And that she didn't. Makenzie has been determined and ready to start gymnastics since the day of her last surgery before Christmas. She asked her medical team at UCSF every post surgery visit if she could start gymnastics again, to a bummer answer of "not yet Makenzie ". She wouldn't take the answer, and got stronger. Over Summer she swam every day, and learned how to ride a 2-wheeler. When learning, she fell and got scared, but without prodding by us (her parents) she dusted off and got right back on her bike. Before school started, she even rode her bike all over San Francisco with fierce determination. For a kid told she wouldn't make it out of the ICU last year, she is now in 2nd grade and just got the green light to start gymnastics again. She had her first class on Thursday, September 15th. She still doesn't have the green light to do the uneven bars, but it doesn't matter because she was back in action grinning ear to ear, the entire class. She is the epitomy of determination and focus. She never said out loud "This is Impossible Mom!!". But instead, repeated daily, "I'm possible", and has continued to get stronger and move forward each day.
Happy Fall to you. Garner your determination, inner athlete and make every challenge possible. You are stronger than you ever thought possible; believe it! Challenge the POWER of YOU! 
----Erin Kreitz Shirey Owner & Lead Trainer of Power Fitness PDX LLC
It's encouraging experienced and i think it requires strong determination also patience to to do what you've been through.
ReplyDeleteburn the fat build the muscle
Thank you very much. It is all of the above, and constantly evaluating and keeping in the moment...Have fun and live loud!